Ask yourself this question: Is the inspector who is evaluating the septic system at my property utilizing the proper and approved Pennsylvania Septage Management Association (PSMA) guidelines?
Since the systems are hidden underground, it is nearly impossible to know their true condition without an inspection by a trained PSMA inspector.
An onlot wastewater treatment system evaluation, performed by an inspector trained by the Pennsylvania Septage Management Association, will include a thorough examination and evaluation of every component of the system. By having S.A.F.E. Inspection Services inspect your septic system, you will not only become familiar with the type of system that is installed, you will be better informed of its current condition, including any deficiencies which may require repair.
If you are purchasing a home that has a septic system and if the structure has been unoccupied continuously for more than seven days, or the structure is subject to seasonal use or non-continuous use, then in addition to the inspection, a hydraulic load test must be conducted to determine whether the absorption area can receive and transmit to the soil environment the volume of liquid which the system is expected and intended to handle on a peak-flow day.
A septic system is an important investment that must be properly maintained to prolong the life of the system and reduce the need for costly repairs.